Friday, July 8, 2011

The Exception/ Mood

"What you've got to realise," she said to Chrissie, "is that even though Tommy was at Hailsham, he isn't like a real Hailsham student.  He was left out of everything and people were always laughing at him.  So there's no point in asking him about him about anything like this.  Now, I want to go and find the person Rodney saw."  This is an example of how Ruth sometimes treats Tommy.  Chrissie told them that there is a rule that if they love someone they can wait to give their donations for like three years.  When Tommy heard this, he said he did not remember this rule.  I got the impression that he did not truly love Ruth.  I still have the same feeling that Kathy and Tommy will become a couple because Tommy will get tired of the way Ruth treats him!

The mood here is very uncomfortable.  I felt that the characters felt very different emotions.  I felt that Tommy was afraid and did not know what to say, and I feel that Ruth felt frustration and anger because Tommy was disagreeing with her.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,

    A couple things: First, keep in mind the 8-16 sentence response requirement. Some of your entries only had a handful of sentences responding to the excerpt(s) you provided. And at times, your longer entries spent more time retelling the plot than analyzing. Luckily, when you do get to your analysis, it's solid. Make sure to correct these as you work through Brave New World.
