Monday, September 5, 2011

"Spring"- Similie

Hopkin's poem, "Spring," is a beautiful poem with much symbolism and comparisons.  There is also the use of similie throughout the poem.  "The ear, it strikes like lightening to hear him sing."  This is a comparison between the man's voice compared to lightening.  Spring time is the glorious time where most people celebrate Easter, rejoicing over Jesus' Resurrection.  "Thrush's eggs look little low heavens."  This line mentions eggs, which is a significant symbol used to describe Easter.  Also, the eggs are compared to Heaven, reminding people of what Easter truly stands for, which is Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead.  "A strain of the earth's sweet being in the beginning in Eden garden."  This line refers to the garden of Eden as the beginning of time.  However, it also references that Jesus' Resurrection is the new beginning because it opened the gates to Heaven.  One more significant line throughout the poem was, "Nothing is so beautiful as spring."  This line is implying that there is no more beautiful time than spring because it reminds everyone of the loving and courageous thing Jesus did for us!

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