Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"How I Met My Husband"/allusion

"Muriel Lowe and I used to sleep on her front veranda and watch her sister and her sister's boy friend saying good night."  This was the time in "How I Met My Husband" when Edie was watching Chris and his "fiance" on their "date."  This is an example of an allusion because Edie is thinking about a time in the past when she and her friend would watch her friend's sister and her boyfriend.  The reason I put fiance and date in quotes is because it really was not his fiance.  I think that Alice is one of Chris' girls he got with when he landed in some town.  She is just one of the girls who is very clingy and thinks there is actually something between them.  Chris did not have sex with Edie, but he was close.  He got her hopes up telling her that he would write to her, but he never did.  However, she found happiness in the end with what seemed to be a great man.

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