Friday, August 12, 2011

Epistrophe and Vernacular

"O brave new world, O brave new world..." (pg 210).  This is an example of an epistrophe because it repeats this many times, and I think the writer is trying to prove a point.  As shown, the title of the book is Brave New World.  I think that brave new world has a type of meaning behind it.  I almost think it means that the world sometimes is a hard place to live in.  There are hard times and good times, success and failure.  However, in life, people have to perservere and always reach for their goals.  People who do this are brave people in the world!  Also, the vernacular in this book was usually english, or a nongrammar form of english.  Lenina and Bernard, and the others spoke English.  However, John and the other "savages" spoke more of a slang version of Enlish.  This book was a little confusing, but I enjoyed it!


"Henry, Henry" (pg 258).  This is what a girl shouted as the savage was whipping and chasing her.  I think that the girl was Lenina for many reasons.  First, when people were yelling at the savage, "the girl" held out her hand to help him and tears were streaming down her face.  Also, she started yelling for Henry.  Because of this, I think that Lenina was with Henry, and she came to see the savage.  When John, the savage, was in front of everyone, it reminded me of the movie, King Kong.  He was being treated almost as if he was some kind of beast or animal.  People were basically tortoring him for their enjoyment.  They were also just watching his every move.  In King Kong, the guerrilla is captured and people just watch him on a stage, and they stare at him in amazemnt.  This is almost just like what happened to John.  Once John began to move to certain places, people became a little frantic.


"There's a story one of the old Indians used to tell us, about the Girl of Mataski.  The young men who wanted to marry her had to do a morning's hoeing in her garden.  It seemed easy; but there were flies and mosquitos, magic ones.  Most of the young men simply couldn't stand the biting and stinging.  But the one that could- he got the girl."  This is an example of a fable.  It was a story to show lack of civilization is certain places.  John and Mustapha Mond were arguing about their philosophical differences.  John says that God still exists in every day life.  However, Mond says that God existed a long time ago.  I feel this is why they made up Ford, instead of God.  They believe that God no longer exist.  Mond and others banned religious books talking about God.  I feel that was so the younger kids would not believe in "old things," which to them meant God.  However, I believe that God does exist, and he is always with us. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Imagery and Mood

"Goes through life inside a bottle" (pg 223).  Here, the Controller was describing life as a bottle.  He was stating that Alphas bottles seem to be enormous.  This is an example of imagery. 

"You can't send me.  I haven't done anything.  It was the others.  I swear it was the others" (pg 226).  Bernard said this when he was recieving his punishment.  The controller told them that they would be sent to an island.  Before this Bernard was very quiet.  However, his mood changed very quickly, and he became terrified and started blaming others.  This seems like the typical Bernard.  He will do whatever it is to make himself look good, and to keep himself out of trouble.

External and Internal Conflict

"...Bernard and, urged by a sudden impulse, ran foward to help them; then thought better of it and halted; then, ashamed, stepped foward again; then again thought better of it, and was standing in an agony of humiliated indecision..." (pg 214).  This was the time when Bernard was being indecisive on if he should be a good friend or not.  John was being attacked because he was telling the people to not take the soma for their own freedom.  Helmholtz was a good friend and went to defend John, even though he knew he was risking his life.  This is an example of an external conflict because John was against the whole society.  However, there was also an example of internal conflict.  Bernard was having a conflict within himself.  He could not decide if he should help John or if he should not do anything due to his fear of being killed.  Bernard was also hesitant due to his fear of what people thought of them.  He wanted to be associated with John when John was considered "famous."  However, when John is disliked or looked down upon, Bernard does not want much to do with him.

Mothers/ Anger

"She's my mother" (pg 199).  John said this to the nurse in the hospital.  The nurse became very distraught.  This is because no one ever had mothers or fathers.  However, the nurse showed him to Linda because she was afraid.  When John was with Linda, he became very angry because he thought that she did not remember him.  He shook her and yelled to her who he was.  A few minutes later, Linda died.  I feel that John is almost a little mad, maybe even bipolar.  There are times where he is very calm and nice, and then almost turns into this awful beast.  He became very angry with Lenina, and then he was violent towards Linda.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"Fanny's voice was a trumpet; she might have been a Y.W.F.A. lecturer giving an evening talk to adolescent Beta-Minuses."  This was the time Fanny was speaking to Lenina.  She was trying to convince Lenina to not like the savage.  Lenina described her voice as a trumpet, which is a metaphor.  Later in the chapter, Lenina goes to see John.  She tries to make love to him, but he does not want to.  He begins to become mad and calls Lenina names.  Earlier, though, he was speaking about marriage to her.  I feel that Lenina does not want to get married, or she may not even be familiar with what marriage is.  However, I think that John wants marriage, and I feel that is all he is familiar with.  I feel that people in his "village" do not make love to each other, even when they are married.


“What should have been the crowning moment at Bernard’s whole career had turned out to be the moment of his greatest humiliation” (pg 176).  Well, ever since John has been with Bernard, Bernard has become very conceited.  Most people have been annoyed with Bernard and the way he was acting.  However, some people looked at him as if he has some kind of power.  Some of the girls basically worshipped at his feet, and the rumors about him stopped spreading.   Because of this, when John said that he would not come out of the room for the party, everyone turned against John.  However, Helmholtz was still a good friend to him, even though Bernard was so rude to him before.  This proves that Helmholtz is a true friend to Bernard!  There is a saying out there that goes something like this, “A true friend is someone who will stick next to you when everyone else is against you.”

Savages and Clones

"To say one was a mother- that was past a joke: it was an obscenity" (pg 153).  John is sayin that Linda is his mother.  Bernard and the others feel that this is absurd because to them no one has a mother or father.  Also, they feel that John and Linda are savages.  However, they are just normal people.  Lenina likes John, and I feel John likes her too!  I can especially tell last chapter when Lenina was asleep, and John started quoting Romeo and Juliet.  Lenina wants him to make love to her.  However, John is resisting.  I think John is going to give in very soon, though!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Director

"My father" (pg 151).  This was said by John when he found out that his father was the Director.  This seemed like a very dramatic chapter!  The Director was trying to embarass Bernard in front of everyone and tells him that he is being move to Iceland.  However, Bernard embarrassed the director by bringing Linda and John in.  The Director was very embarrassed when people found out he was the father.  To tell the truth, this chapter was a little confusing for me!  However, I think someone may have told Bernard that the Director was going to dismiss him because how else would he have thought to have Linda and John come in.  I am excited to see what happens next!

Analogy/ Love

"He shut his eyes, he shook his head with the gesture of a dog shaking its ears as it emerges from the water" (pg 144-145).  This is an example of analogy.  It is comparing the way John was shaking his head toward his thoughts to a dog shaking its ears.  I think that John was shaking his head because he feels that he may love Lenina.  Since Lenina was asleep, he was very tempted to touch her or kiss her.  However, he resisted from the temptation and just stepped away once Bernard came back.  John is afraid to feel something for Lenina.  This is because he knows that Lenina and Bernard are something special, and he feels it is wrong what he is feeling!  I actually am not sure if at the end if Lenina with end up with John, Bernard, or possibly someone else because both John and Bernard treat Lenina very well!

Connection to Jesus

"I wanted to know what it was like being crucified.  Hanging there in the sun..."  One of the people Bernard was talking to had this dream.  He stood against a rock in the middle of the summer.  Then he layed his arms out, like Jesus on the Cross.  I made this resemblance about the Indians last chapter.  These Indians make sacrifices to their gods by whipping people as they walk.  Well, when Jesus was being crucified, he was walking down a long road.  Also, he was whipped several times before he began this trecherous walk.  Also, Lenina started weaping when one of the boys was being whipped.  This reminded me of the weaping women Jesus passed as he walked.

Diction/Mothers and Fathers

"Hullo.  Good-morrow" (pg 116).  This quote was said by the Indians that Lenina and Bernard met.  The quote shows diction by changing the e in hello to an o.  Also, good-morrow is an example of an english word.  Because of this, the diction shows that the Indian spoke unproper English.
"Linda and he- Linda was his mother (the world made Lenina look uncomfortable)- were strangers in the Reservation.  Linda had  come from the Other Place long ago, before he was born, with a man who was his father.  (Bernard picked up his ears.)" (pg 118).  Lenina and Bernard do not have mothers and father.  I feel that they are really bothered by this, especially when people talk about their parents.  It is especially noticable at this circumstance because they both made some kind of expression to show that they wished they had a mother and father.  I also noticed that when Lenina and Bernard saw an old Indian they looked especially afraid.  I think this is because since everyone they are usually with does not physically show with age, then they were shocked when they saw people who did.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ford and Soma

"Oh, for Ford's sake, be quiet" (pg 90).  I feel that the Greater Being is Ford.  They refer to Ford as people in the world today would refer to God.  I feel that instead of calling God, God, they refer to him as Ford.

"...why you don't take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours" (pg 92).  A couple blogs ago I asked what soma is.  However, I think soma is like a type of drug of some sort to help people feel better.  I feel that it makes people feel happier when they're said, or even physically better when they are hurt.  Soma is like an addiction, such as alcohol or drug in the real world.  It seems like Lenina uses it very often! 

Bernard and Lenina

"Talking?  But what about?"  Bernard thought that Lenina and him should just have a date of walking and talking.  Lenina is confused because she does not know what they would talk about.  Lenina and Henry usually partake in sexual activity, so Lenina thought that she and Bernard would do the same.  However, I feel that Lenina is going to fall in love with Bernard at the end, and not Henry.  I think this because Bernard wants to do more than just be sexually involved with her.  He also wants to be friends with her too.  I think that Lenina is going to like this because girls do not like to be treated as an object, but as a human being.  I am excited to see what happens next!


"He heard nothing and, for him, nobody was coming.  Nobody-in spite of the music, in spite of the mounting excitement.  But he waved his arms, he shouted with the best of them; and when the others began to jig and stamp and shuffle, he also jigged and shuffled" (pg 84).  At this time, everyone heard the Greater Being coming down the stairs.  However, Bernard could not hear anything.  Still, he acted like he heard the footsteps on the stairs.  As I have noticed, Bernard just wants to fit in and do what everyone else does.  He does not want to look alone or like an outsider.  So, since everyone was screaming, he thought he should too!  However, I am a little confused why he cannot hear anything?  I also do not exactly understand what soma is?


"He wished Bernard would show a little bit more pride."  Bernard was beginning to feel alone and alienated.  Because of this, he went to visit his friend,  Helmholtz Watson, to seek for some advice.  Bernard really worries about what people think about him.  People spread rumors about him, and it makes him feel alone and depressed.  Helmholtz wishes that Bernard would just not always worry about what people think.  He wishes that Bernard would have more pride and confidence in himself.  This reminds me much about people in High School.  People say things they want to say, and people get hurt.  However, people need to not worry about what anyone else thinks and just be themselves!


"The tropical sunshine lay like warm honey on the naked bodies of children tumbling promiscuously among the hibiscus blossoms.  Home was in any one of twenty palm-thatched houses."  This is an example of a similie, comparing the sunshine upon the kids to warm honey.  This similie is used to explain in more detail the way the kids were acting outside.  The kids were all naked outside and were involving themselves in sexual games.  I truly do not understand why they are forced to be naked and are encourged to play in sexual games.  Also, Lenina is dating Henry, but also wants to date Bernard.  Her friends are strongly encouraging her to be more "permiscous".  However, in the world today, people are looked down upon if they are permiscous.  So, the series of events in this book are much different than the world is today!  However, no one knows what the future holds.  I strongly hope that we do not start cloning in the future!

Their People!

"Put them down on the floor" (pg 20).  This quote was said by one of the Directors to one of the nurses.  He refered to the infants as if they were not even people.  They force the infants to not like certain things, and to be afraid of other things.  They basically control the infants!  This event reminds me of something I learned in health, Pavlov's dogs.  Pavlov did an experiment and learned that the dogs salvate at the sound of a bell when they see food.  Well, the director and the nurses ring a siren whenever the infants see books or flowers.  This causes the infants to be terrified of books and flowers!  I am a little afraid to see what else they do to control the infants.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Analogy/ start of Brave New World (Cloning)

"The light was frozen, dead, a ghost" (pg 1). This quote is an example of an anology.  The analogy is used to describe the look and feeling of the laboratory.  Also, as I start reading this book, I realize that it is also about cloning, just as Never Let Me Go.  These two books seem very similar as they both are about cloning and science fiction.  In addition, by reading both of these books I realize that cloning could be possible in the near future.  However, I do not think that is a good plan because it interfers with God's plan.  As Aldous Huxley writes Brave New World, he goes into much detail on how cloning works.  If his way actually works, cloning could be possible in the near future! : /